Contact Firefly

Contact Traverse City Hair Extensions & Color Specialist

Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 8AM-4PM
Wednesday: 8AM-4PM
Thursday: 8AM-4PM
Friday: 8AM-4PM
Saturday: CLOSED
Sunday: CLOSED

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Stephanie H.

"When it comes to luxury hair, Jocelyn is untouchable. I have never had a better hair experience in my life. I always walk out of my appointment feeling confident and inspired to be my best self. Trust me when I say there is no one better than Jocelyn when it comes to achieving your dream hair!"

I love getting my hair done at firefly.

Catherine E.

"When it comes to luxury hair, Jocelyn is untouchable. I have never had a better hair experience in my life. I always walk out of my appointment feeling confident and inspired to be my best self. Trust me when I say there is no one better than Jocelyn when it comes to achieving your dream hair!"

Review 2 captivating part of testimonial.

Jasmine L.

"When it comes to luxury hair, Jocelyn is untouchable. I have never had a better hair experience in my life. I always walk out of my appointment feeling confident and inspired to be my best self. Trust me when I say there is no one better than Jocelyn when it comes to achieving your dream hair!"

Review 3 captivating part of testimonial.

Kind words

Your answer will go here. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.

If it's short, drag below items up.


Your answer will go here. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.

If it overlaps other text (check mobile too!), you'll need to drag everything else down a tad.


Your answer will go here. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.

Be mindful of the length of each question & answer.


Your answer will go here. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.

Put your second question here?


Your answer will go here. Donec accumsan consectetur faucibus. YOLO, you only live once. Donec eget semper eros. Vestibulum lobortis eros vel elementum suscipit. Nunc tempus lectus elit, et faucibus ligula dignissim nec. Phasellus in turpis porta, laoreet sapien vitae, auctor ante. Your chick, she so thirsty, nec consequat dui imperdiet eget. In quis rhoncus sem, eu eleifend purus. Etiam sodales turpis volutpat ultricies blandit. #Swaggityswag Donec pretium tincidunt mi, id semper dolor commodo eget.

Here's where your first question will go?


excerpt that tells them what to expect from your services

Frequently Asked Questions